Refugee Resettlement Project
In Fall 2012, Lutheran Congregational Services (LCS) became the agency for refugee resettlement in the Lehigh Valley, Berks County and surrounding areas. Many times all the belongings of a refugee will fit into one small carry-on bag. LCS has requested assistance in providing “Welcome Boxes” to help refugees to start over in their new community. It can seem overwhelming for any one of us to provide all the things a family might need; but, if we work together, we can share in the knowledge that we have helped a few of these families in need.
To begin this outreach opportunity, we have divided up the items for the various boxes, and created tags which list an item and a due date. Pick up a tag from the table in the Narthex, purchase the item, and return by the due date on the tag. You can also make a cash contribution.
We will be requesting a grant for supplemental funding from the South Lehigh County Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
New “boxes”/tags will be revealed every few weeks over the next few months. Bathroom, Kitchen, Cleaning, Personal Care and School Kits will be the categories.
For questions, contact Sandi Wagaman at 610-395-6387.