Worship and Music

Do you enjoy worship? Do you get fed spiritually as you come to church at St. Paul’s?  The Worship and Music Committee oversees the entire worship plan. We work closely with the Pastor and the organist in planning the various seasons of worship.

The committee decides the appropriate setting for each church season, coordinates with the decorating committee and altar guild for special decorations, discusses appropriate music for special services, and recruits volunteers to read lessons, greet, and provide bread for communion. We have been trying to work out a nursery schedule for our younger families, and admit we are having trouble with this. We coordinate the choir and the bell choir schedule and try to keep the worship services meaningful and beautiful.

The committee meets once a month or as needed.  An article is submitted each month to the Parish News, and a budget is submitted annually.

If you would like to help with this committee, you would be very welcome. We can always use extra hands and minds as we try to better our worship life and all the activities and groups that relate to worship. Worship is not something that just happens. It takes work and planning to make sure all are welcome and all can participate in corporate worship.